June 21, 2024, Arusha-Tanzania-The East African Civil Society Organizations Forum (EACSOF) Summit of 2024 under the theme “harnessing EAC citizens potential and participation in regional integration processes” has come to a successful end with a call for greater CSOs participation in the integration process.

Speaking at the closing of the summit Mr. Edmund Yakani, President of EACSOF asked civil society organizations to keep the flames of integration burning as the communities of EAC have higher hopes in a more integrated EAC. He told CSOs that the integration process cannot be achieved if they don’t stand up and be counted. Mr. Edmund apealled to governments in the region to ensure free civil space for achievement of an integrated EAC. “We are not enemies of the EAC governments, we are partners” Edmund stated.

Mr. Edmund concluded by asking the East Africa Legislature Assembly (EALA) to enact a model law on CSO-Civic Space.

On his part, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania Ambassador Steven Mbundi reminded the CSOs that they are integral part of the EAC treaty and that their work is critical for the community to grow. He said the EAC is one of the best community in Africa with functioning organs.

Ambassador Mbundi called on CSOs to be effective and engaging through the secretary general’s stakeholder dialogue and bring the voices of the EAC citizens to the center for a more inclusive integration.

The Rt. Hon. Joseph Ntakirutimana, speaker of EALA thanked the CSOs for playing their role in the integration of the community through such summits.

He echoed EALA’s commitment to work with CSOs and partner states to ensure integration barriers are eliminated for growth of the community.

Rt. Hon. Joseph requested CSOs to work for the good of the community.

“Our dream is one. EAC must be a model of good governance in Africa” said the speaker.

Above two hundred participants from South Sudan, DRC, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi attended the summit.

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